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diy vs. professional home security systems which is right for you?
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DIY vs. Professional Home Security Systems: Which is Right for You?

When it comes to installing home security equipment to protect your family and property, you can opt for a professional or DIY system. Here, we look at the advantages and disadvantages of each to help you to decide which is right for you.

What is a home security system?

A home security system comprises electronic equipment which protects and monitors the property, providing a deterrent to would-be intruders and alerting the homeowner to any irregular activity.

Common elements of a security system include CCTV cameras and alarms, as well as things like motion sensors and smart doorbells. Home security systems can be installed at all types of properties, including those in rural areas.

DIY home security systems

The obvious advantage of a DIY home security system is the lower upfront investment. You can purchase the various home security components separately and install them at your property, saving on installation costs.

This also allows for a more piecemeal approach, so you can start small and add to the system over time, if you so wish. Going the DIY route is mainly suited to smaller properties.

The disadvantages of a DIY home security system include the lack of professional support. This can impact its overall effectiveness. For example, if the system is poorly installed and not regularly maintained, it may not function optimally or provide the level of security you need.

In addition, there is unlikely to be a comprehensive customer support service or remote monitoring option, and the system itself may not come with all the latest features. All of this can easily cancel out the initial cost savings.

Professional home security systems

A bespoke professional home security system might represent a higher initial investment. However, it will come with expert installation, offering peace of mind that the system is fully functional.

There is also the benefit of an after-sales customer support team to answer questions and to quickly rectify any issues which may arise, with repair costs potentially covered, subject to the terms of the warranty.

Modern home security equipment operates wirelessly and harnesses the latest technologies. With the professional route, you can take advantage of state-of-the art equipment and features, as well as the option of remote 24/7 monitoring. Systems can even be installed in areas with no mains power and supplied with a 4G broadband router.

With all of these options, a disadvantage of a professional home security system may seem to be too many choices. However, the process of having a professional system installed begins with an expert assessment of your property. This means you can be sure you are investing in the right equipment to protect you, your family and your property.

Let us help you find the right home security system

At Incognito Systems, we expertly install high-quality professional home security systems at all types of properties across Northamptonshire, including in rural areas. We also provide advice on all aspects of home security to help you decide which options are best for your needs and budget. Contact us today.



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