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How Many Security Cameras Do I Need?

Before installing a security system for your property, it’s vital that you consider just how many cameras you need for effective protection. This is a decision that should be made early in the process, otherwise you’ll be at risk of spending more money than you’d previously hoped.

Choosing where to place your security cameras is a strategic process, which depends on a variety of factors, including property size and shape. Join us as we discuss these factors in greater depth, helping you decide just how many cameras your property needs.

How many security cameras do you need?

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Different buildings, whether they are residential or commercial, require a different number of security cameras for adequate surveillance. Your final decision will ultimately come down to a variety of different factors, which include:

  • Property size
  • Property shape
  • Points of entry
  • Property type
  • Local area

At the end of the day, your decision will come down to strategy. Fear not, this is something that your chosen home security company should be well-versed in, so you won’t be alone throughout the process.

Property size

As you would expect, different-sized properties require a different number of security cameras to achieve effective surveillance.

Small to medium-sized properties

Small to medium-sized homes will require fewer security cameras to cover all bases. The general rule is that three to four external cameras will suffice. One at the front, one at the back and a couple of extras to cover any potential blind spots.

If you want to further bolster your security, you can add an extra couple of cameras for your home’s interior. Adding cameras into hallways and rooms containing valuables and safes will offer you added peace of mind.

Large homes

As there is more of an area to cover, larger homes will require upwards of six exterior cameras. This will ensure that there aren’t any blind spots to be taken advantage of and all points of entry will be under surveillance. Of course, interior cameras will also be useful.

Interior cameras are completely optional but can provide you with added peace of mind. As previously mentioned, you’d want to install interior cameras in hallways, or in rooms where valuables are kept.

Commercial buildings

Keeping a commercial building safe is far more complex than the typical residential property, especially if there is money or stock kept overnight. It can take upwards of 20 security cameras to ensure full protection, depending on the size of the building.

Unlike in residential properties, interior cameras are essential for businesses, especially in stock rooms and areas where customers enter and exit.

Property shape

The shape of your property is an important factor to consider when investing in a security system. For example, if a property is L-shaped, it will likely require more cameras than a standard rectangular building.

This is because the irregular shape of the building increases the number of blind spots around the property. As most homes are rectangular, this isn’t likely to be an issue for residential installations.

Points of entry

If you have multiple points of entry to your property, you should have them in view of a security camera.

These points of entry can include:

  • Front door
  • Back door
  • Garage
  • Back garden
  • Side gates
  • Windows

Front and back door cameras

It goes without saying that you should install a camera by both the front and the back doors. These will be the most obvious points of entry into your home, and therefore the most vulnerable to break-ins.


Garage doors are also a common target for intruders. Even if your garage is separate from your house, it’s important to install a security camera to monitor it. It’s even more important if you keep your car in the garage overnight.

Back garden

There are plenty of positives to having a security camera in your back garden. While home intrusion is more common, thieves may attempt to steal valuables from your garden shed. They may also use your back garden as an area in which to scope out other possible points of entry into your home.

Side gates

Thieves may look to evade your front door security camera by entering via the side of your home. This is why it’s important to install a security camera to monitor any side gates or side doors.


If you have ground-floor windows that are out of view of your main front door camera, you should install a camera to cover them. Mistakes can happen, so if you accidentally leave the windows open overnight, you’ll have a layer of protection in case of an attempted break-in.

Local area

Let’s be clear, even if you live in a safe area, you should still think about installing security cameras around your home. However, if your village, town or city is a hotspot for burglaries, you should be extra cautious when installing a security system.

Security cameras aren’t just good at keeping an eye out for the safety of your property, they also act as a deterrent against potential theft. Thieves are much more likely to avoid your property if they see adequate security mechanisms in place, especially if they’re located by points of entry.

So, if you do live in an area vulnerable to theft, make sure you install enough security cameras to cover all points of entry and blind spots.

Protect your property with Incognito Systems

If you’re still struggling to work out how many security cameras your property needs, Incognito Systems is here to help. We provide domestic CCTV installation throughout Northamptonshire and commercial CCTV services across the country.

At Incognito Systems, we don’t leave anything to chance, ensuring our products are up to the highest standards. Many have even been tested out at our own homes! We won’t try and sell you anything you don’t require, instead using our expertise to tailor a system that matches your exact needs.

Sound good? Request a quote today to find out how Incognito Systems can help you protect your property.

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